Food Hygiene Inspections

The council undertakes hygiene inspections of food premises within the Borough area. On this page: Purpose of Inspections | What can I expect on a food hygiene inspection? | How often will I…

The council undertakes hygiene inspections of food premises within the Borough area.

On this page: Purpose of Inspections | What can I expect on a food hygiene inspection? | How often will I be inspected? | Further Information |

Purpose of Inspections

Food hygiene inspections have three main purposes:

  1. To identify potential hazards and assess the risk to public health arising from activities within the food business
  2. Assess effectiveness of management control to achieve safe food
  3. Identify specific contraventions of food hygiene regulations

What can I expect on a food hygiene inspection?

The inspection may be carried out by either an Environmental Health Officer or a Food Safety Officer. You will be shown identification if you wish.

The time taken varies considerably and is dependant on the size, nature and extent of your operations.

We will need to:

  1. Talk to staff about your quality control systems and practices (where these exist)
  2. Inspect all parts of your premises and equipment
  3. Talk to you about staff training, risk assessment and temperature control

The inspecting officer may also request relevant documentations including recipes and productions records.

Following the inspection the officer will discuss the findings with you and you will receive a written report.

Where practices or conditions are not satisfactory, every attempt will be made to resolve the situation by informal means, but where poor conditions persist, or where there is a risk to public health it may be necessary to resort to formal action. This could involve either the service of legal notice, prosecution, or in extreme cases closure of the business.

How often will I be inspected?

Each business is routinely monitored at a frequency determined by a hazard rating. This takes account of:

  • Type of food being handled
  • Compliance history
  • Confidence in management
  • Premises serving vulnerable groups for example the very young or elderly

You will be inspected at regular intervals of between 6 months and 5 years dependant on the considerations above.

Further Information

For further information please contact the Commercial Services section

Commercial Services Team,

Public Protection

Barrow Town Hall,

Duke Street,



LA14 2LD.

Telephone: 01229 876543.
