Barrow Borough Local Plan - Publication Draft July 2016
This Draft Local Plan contains policies which have been strengthened since the Preferred Options Draft in response to previous consultations and updated evidence. The Plan also sets out a number of proposed allocations for housing and employment.
The Publication Draft Local Plan is accompanied by a Proposals Map showing the proposed allocations and both can be viewed at the link below along with supporting documents:
The allocations can also be viewed using the Councils Web Mapping Service.
The Council consulted on the Publication Draft Local Plan and associated Sustainability Appraisal Report for 6 weeks between the 5th September and 17th October 2016.
What happens next?
Responses, along with other on-going assessments such as the Habitats Regulations Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal, have been assessed by the Council and changes suggested which have resulted in the preparation of a Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan.
If you would like to be involved in future consultations then you can find the details here.