CUMBRIA is now officially classed as a Tier 2 area.
This means residents and businesses across Barrow borough will need to follow a new set of rules and restrictions as set out by the government.
For a detailed list of rules, visit the government website here.
Here’s a handy guide to what the new Tier 2 means:
What area does the Tier 2 lockdown cover?
The whole county of Cumbria has been placed in Tier 2. This includes the borough of Barrow.
What are the rules in Tier 2?
You must not socialise indoors with anyone you don’t live with or who is not in your support bubble.
You can still go to school or work, though you should continue to work from home where possible.
Businesses can operate in a Covid-secure way apart from those that are required to remain closed by law, such as nightclubs.
Pubs and bars can open only if serving a substantial meal. They must operate table service only and close between 11pm and 5am. No new orders can be taken after 10pm.
Can I visit other areas?
You should travel only where necessary. You must follow the Tier 2 rules even in a Tier 1 area.
Travel to or overnight stays in Tier 3 areas should be avoided other than where necessary for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment or because of caring responsibilities.
Can my family/friends stay overnight?
No. No-one from outside of your household or household bubble can visit your home or stay overnight.
Can I go to stay with family or friends in another area?
No. The Tier 2 rules apply to you wherever you travel.
This means you cannot stay with someone from outside of your household or household bubble, even if they are in an area of lower risk.
Can we meet at the park?
You can meet people in an outdoor setting, like the park or the beach, as long as the number of people in the group is no more than six.
You will also still need to maintain social distancing.
Will the shops be open again?
Non-essential shops can re-open. Customers must wear a mask indoors and adhere to social distancing rules.
I’m a carer for an elderly friend/relative/neighbour. Can I still go to their home?
Yes. You can visit to continue the care you provide.
You should wear a mask however while inside someone’s home.
I’m a tradesperson. Can I still work?
Trades people can continue to work - even if this is inside someone’s home.
You must maintain social distancing and wear a mask when this work is taking place.
I’ve heard we can go to watch the football again. Is this true?
Spectator sports can resume in Tier 2 areas as long as the attendance is limited to 50 per cent capacity or 2,000 people outdoors/1,000 people indoors, whichever is the lower.
How long will Cumbria be under a Tier 2 lockdown?
The restrictions will be reviewed by the government every two weeks.