National Day of ReflectionBarrow Town Hall will become a beacon of solidarity and hope when it is illuminated in yellow, as the borough joins the UK to reflect on a year of living under lockdown restrictions. 23 March 2021Council adopts new strategy to reduce litter across the boroughThe Anti-littering Strategy aims to halve litter by 2024 to make the borough a cleaner and greener place for all. 12 March 2021New campaign launched to help make the borough a cleaner, greener place to liveCleaner. Greener. Barrow. will highlight exactly what can be recycled to increase the borough's contribution to a healthier planet. 22 April 2022Government to consult on The Bay unitary bidProposals for a new unitary authority around Morecambe Bay have been accepted for a further round of consultation. 05 August 2022Briefings confirm backing for The Bay bidA series of virtual meetings offered key stakeholders across The Bay area the chance to quiz council leaders about the proposal. 05 August 2022Am I eligible for a discretionary business grant? New graphic clarifies who should applyThe deadline for applications to the Additional Restrictions Grant is this Friday, February 19 at noon. 05 August 2022Antisocial behaviour tackled with special court orders thanks to proactive council teamsThe orders were sought to protect residents from the impacts of unacceptable and antisocial behaviour. 12 February 2021Improvements to Barrow's Bulky Waste collections service announcedThe changes - which take effect on April 1 - will help to make the system easier to navigate and fairer for residents across the borough. 08 April 2021Businesses urged to apply for discretionary grant fundingThe funding is available for eligible firms affected by the second and current lockdown, as well as during the period of Tier 4 restrictions. 02 February 2021Residents struggling with energy costs urged to seek help through new schemeEnergy saving measures, help and advice are available from the Cold to Cosy Homes campaign. 15 January 2021Update on Business GrantsGovernment guidance on new business grants is awaited. 06 January 2021Memories of historic Barrow street sought for exciting new projectRecollections of Duke Street will help bring its heritage to life as part of the Re:discover Barrow initiative. 01 March 2022Residents and businesses across Barrow urged to follow Tier 2 rulesThe rules mean only those from the same household or household bubble can socialise indoors. 18 February 2022Councils agree Bay authority bid submissionThe proposal secured support from thousands of people across the area. 08 December 2020Residents begin innovative journey to shape new vision for the boroughNew Constellation is a ground breaking process to help the community dream and tell a new, transformative story for its future. 08 December 2020Barrow's virtual Christmas Lights Switch On secures its biggest audience everThe film showcasing a range of performances and appearances has been viewed by people all over the world. 03 December 2020Page: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [+11]
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