Conservation Areas

What are Conservation Areas Planning Authorities are required to decide whether parts of their areas are of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is…

What are Conservation Areas

Planning Authorities are required to decide whether parts of their areas are of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. They can then designate these areas as conservation areas. Building works, demolitions, works to trees, placement of satellite dishes and alterations to buildings in Conservation Areas are subject to extra planning controls. This ensures that new development proposals preserve the character of areas designated for their special architecture. The Council has policies with regard to development in Conservation Areas which are set out in the Borough Local Plan Review 1996 – 2006, Chapter 5, Environment, which you can view online.

You can download an application for Conservation Area Consent from our website.

The 11 Conservation Areas designated in the Borough are as follows:

Barrow Island Biggar Village Central Barrow
Dalton-in-Furness Furness Abbey Ireleth
North Scale North Vickerstown St George's Square
South Vickerstown The Green Lindal

You can also see a map of the Conservation Area on our Online Web Mapping service alongside other council information